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Common Injuries in Running and How To Prevent

[TipsFromExpert] – In long-distance running races, thorough preparation and a well-planned training regimen to prevent injuries are crucial. Runners should not only focus on achieving time and distance goals but also prioritize their health and safety. Let together with HCMC Marathon as we listen to insights from Sports Medicine Doctor Pham Minh Tien, about valuable information related to running injuries and essential precautions to minimize unnecessary risks.

Common injuries that often occur in training and competition for athletes include muscle cramps, IT band syndrome, hip impingement, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, ankle ligament sprains, meniscus tears, tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, and patellar tendonitis. These are frequent injuries encountered in running.

Injuries Rate in Different Body Regions

Most injuries in different body regions result from overloading the body during training and competition. The injury rates vary depending on the intensity and training methods of the athletes

  • Knee: Injury rate: 7.2% – 50%. Causes: Knee pain commonly occurs due to overloading or incorrect posture while running.
  • Shin (from knee down): Injury rate: 9.0% – 32.2%. Causes: Shin injuries are often related to muscles, tendons, and bones.
  • Thigh (from knee to hip): Injury rate: 3.4% – 38.1%. Causes: Thigh pain is usually due to overloading or muscle strain.
  • Foot: Injury rate: 5.7% – 39.3%. Causes: Foot injuries are often related to tendons and bones.
  • Ankle: Injury rate: 3.9% – 16.6%. Causes: Ankle sprains are a common example.
  • Hip, pelvis, or groin: Injury rate: 3.3% – 11.5%. Causes: Injuries in this area are often due to overloading or incorrect posture.
  • Lower back: Injury rate: 5.3% – 19.1%. Causes: Lower back pain is commonly related to muscles and bones.
Activities to Help Minimize Injuries

According to Sports Medicine Doctor Pham Minh Tien, when participating in training and competition, athletes need to pay attention to the following supporting activities to ensure both good performance and overall health:

1/. Developing Motor Systems
  • Muscles: Strength training for major muscle groups such as leg muscles, abdominal muscles, and back muscles.
  • Joints: Flexibility training for joints, especially ankle joints, hip joints, and shoulder joints.
  • Ligaments: Strengthening ligaments to support the joints.
  • Nervous system: Training the coordination between muscles and the nervous system to effectively control movements.
  • Blood circulation: Training to enhance blood flow and provide oxygen to the muscles.
2/. Training and Assessing Performance Indicators
  • Strength: Focus on strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, and push-ups. These exercises help improve overall strength and muscular endurance.
  • Speed: To improve speed, incorporate speed training exercises such as sprints, interval runs, or agility ladder drills. These activities enhance quickness, acceleration, and speed endurance.
  • Endurance: Build endurance through exercises like long-distance running, steady-state cardio, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). These activities improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina.
  • Flexibility: Incorporate stretching exercises, yoga, or Pilates to improve flexibility. Enhanced flexibility helps prevent muscle imbalances, reduces the risk of injuries, and improves overall movement efficiency.
    It is crucial to regularly assess these performance indicators to track progress and identify areas of improvement. Additionally, seeking guidance from a coach or sports professional can provide valuable insights and tailored training programs to optimize performance and minimize the risk of injuries.
Photo: Sports medicine doctor Minh Tien is examining the athlete.
Advice for First-Time Full Marathon and Half Marathon Runners:

To minimize unnecessary injuries during training and competition, runners need to keep in mind the following advice:

  • Proper preparation: Consult a sports medicine doctor to assess your health and develop a suitable training plan.
  • Gradual training progression: Avoid increasing intensity too quickly to prevent injuries.
  • Choose appropriate running shoes: Properly fitted running shoes can help reduce the risk of injuries.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink an adequate amount of water before, during, and after running.
  • Listen to your body: If you experience any unusual symptoms, stop and rest.

Running is a beneficial sport for overall health. However, to run safely and effectively, runners should pay attention to running technique, training process, and supplementary exercises. Listen to your body, follow your training plan, and don’t forget to seek advice from experts for a healthy and enjoyable running journey.

Thank you for the very helpful insights from Dr. Pham Minh Tien with extensive experience in treating recovery after injuries for thousands of professional and amateur athletes. We hope that the valuable information from the doctor can assist running enthusiasts in their best preparation for the upcoming race!

See you on race day!

You can find more detailed information about Dr. Pham Minh Tien here:Trung tâm Y Sinh học TDTT GET BODY

[TipsfromExperts] is a series of running experience content shared by experienced experts and athletes, for those who are new to running or preparing to conquer their first milestones. HCMC Marathon hopes these shares will be helpful to you in your training journey.
